
Thursday, February 16, 2012

B*tch "Found" My iPad...(part one)

SOoooo... last year after I had Baby Bear my dear hubby decided to take my to The Cheesecake Factory a restaurant in our neighborhood for a delightfully good dinner.  And it was.  Until I found out that my phone had been stolen... This is not that story, but for about twenty-four hours my life was in shambles.  Thanks to Find My iPhone and Google Maps and the FABULOUS Chula Vista Police Department I was able to recover it in tact.  And, as I said, within twenty-four hours.

Fast-forward to about a month ago... my iPad got left behind in the restroom of my daughter's dance studio.  It was complete chaos.  As soon as we arrived Bug was freaking out because she had to go to the bathroom.  G-Ma grabbed the diaper bag, the iPad and Bug and rushed inside leaving me to get Baby Bear and the Superhero.  We were pretty close to being late so it was a sigh of relief when we made it on time.  The iPad was an afterthought.  We left the studio and as soon as we got home I reached for my "Giant Phone" as the Superhero calls it.  It didn't make it back with us.  I calmly and casually grabbed my phone and pulled up my app.  DISASTER!  I had wifi only!  I could only track it if it were connected to the internet!!!  (Later I would find out that someone picked it up and immediately disabled the Find My iPad App so it wouldn't have made a difference anyway.)  Just like that *poof* my iPad was gone.  I was bummed... I called the studio to see if someone had turned it in, but alas, it was not to be.  The Hubby and I went to look for it and they said they would call us if it were found.  I was also told not to worry.  "We have never had this problem before, and if someone took it, their parents will find it and make them bring it back."  So, I was patient.  A week went by and dance night came again.  I asked the front desk if there was any word.  "Not yet."  "We haven't heard anything."  Another week went by... and then another.  It was gone.  They had foiled me.  They worked around the security features.  I was never to see it again...

On Saturday, after a Children's party I discovered that my phone was glitching.  My contacts weren't showing as names - they were showing as phone numbers.  How bizarre.  Since I had iCloud, I thought that the error was there.  I turned off my phone and turned it back on hoping to get my information back.  ALAS, it was not to be.  There were all kinds of weird numbers listed.  Kaycee, Danisha, Grandma, Dad...  WHAT is going on??  I wondered in frustration... and then it occured to me... whoever had my iPad did not restore it.  It wasn't gone.  They were using my iCloud function... AND ALL MY CONTACTS WERE DELETED!!!

 I rushed to the Apple store where the rep discovered that in addition to changing my contacts, my calendar had been edited...  I had the culprits dance class schedule, birth dates (that day in particular she went to a birthday party), children names and days off.  My brain almost exploded out of my head.  I immediately filed a police report and submitted my serial number (straight off the box) and explained why I had waited.  I also told the officer I wanted to speak with the dance studio prior to just letting the police run wild with the information.  Children were involved and I didn't want anyone to be embarrassed in front of their children.  After all, the child didn't do anything wrong.  The Studio was kind enough to cross reference the information I had and figure out which family had possession of my device.  They did not give me names, phone numbers or ANY personal information - not that it mattered... I had quite a bit anyway.  They said they would make ONE call and see how it went.  That was all.  It was fine with me.  The call was made.  The culprit admitted to having "found" the device and agreed to bring it back.

So... yes... I decided to "stir the pot" as the hubby called it...  I took out my MacBook and opened my calendar...

Just going to make a calendar entry for today... to start in about oh ten minutes... "Clean Out Incriminating Evidence From Stolen iPad"... set reminder... and DONE!  OH!  One more!!!  "Don't forget to clean out the contacts as well.  Thanks!!"... set reminder.  NOW done.

If you are unfamiliar with what I did at that moment... I set an event on my calendar that would pop up on ALL of my iDevices... MacBook, iPhone and, you guessed it, iPad...  

Hubby yells at me and tells me to quit because we don't have the item in hand yet.  However, in my mind, and after speaking with the police, we have enough evidence to locate them and even if they don't have the item, they will have to go before a judge.  In my mind the item is already gone so it won't really bother me if it isn't returned, but how could I POSSIBLY pass up the opportunity to torture someone.  I KNEW it wasn't theirs... THEY knew it wasn't theirs... why not let them know that I knew they knew and were using it anyway... 

Later... I received an email from one Cindy Ortiz...
 Hello my name is Cristina, I would like to start by telling you that my sister was the one that found your IPAD a day that she took my daughter to class, she did not steal it from you. Besides I was not aware she had found it at school until I received a call from school. The IPAD will be returned to school on Monday, I don't want any problems or drama because my daughter is going to continue attending that school. I apologize for any inconvinience..
 copy and pasted for your reading pleasure

And OF COURSE I replied... come on... who do you think I am...

To Be Continued...

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